



論文名稱 器具材質與茶種類對消費者之嗅味覺感官意象研究
論文名稱(英文) Effects of appliance materials and tea types on consumers' sensory images of smell and taste
研究者(中文) 張亦馨
研究者(英文) YI-XIN ZHANG
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2022
論文頁數 127
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 林佩如
中文關鍵字 器具材質、兒茶素、嗅味覺、感官意象
英文關鍵字 Appliance material、catechin、smell and taste、sensory image



Taiwan's tea industry can be divided into two major axes: fine tea, which shapes the image of Taiwan's tea culture, and commercial tea, which develops the affordable market. According to data from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, during the period from 104 to 108, the turnover of food and beverage stores showed a steady growth trend, and the export value of Taiwan's tea also increased year by year. With the consumption power and health awareness, the importance of tea to consumers is increasing. Taiwan tea has a long history and has developed a variety of special teas. In the tea market, green tea, black tea and oolong tea are mainly used as the base tea. Modern people use more and more utensils when brewing tea. The material of brewing utensils is a factor that affects consumers' choice, and affects the nutritional components and aroma of tea soup.
This study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the catechin content measurement experiment was carried out. Different tea types and utensil materials were used to find out the catechins of black tea brewed with silica gel as the brewing combination with the highest content; In the first stage, the public's cognition of tea types, utensil materials and sensory imagery of smell and taste was understood through a questionnaire survey, and analyzed with the experimental results of the previous stage. It was found that there were significant differences in consumer cognition; The analysis divides 17 sensory image adjectives into "smell factor", "taste factor" and "sensory factor", and uses ANOVA analysis and SNK multiple comparison analysis to find out that different tea types and utensil materials have significant effects on catechins, and The most influential brewing combination is black tea and silica gel.
In terms of consumer perception, the type of tea with the highest catechin content is green tea, and the experimental result is black tea; consumers think that the utensils that have the most influence on catechins are earth-made utensils, while the experimental results are silica gel and glass materials; In the sensory imagery of smell and taste, perceptual factors have the most influence on green tea, taste factors have the most influence on black tea, and olfactory factors have the most influence on alpine oolong tea. Among the emotional sensory imagery adjectives, the adjective "spiritual" has the most significant effect on alpine oolong tea. However, consumers' sensory imagery, tea types and utensil materials only have a significant impact on tea types. Consumers in different occupations and whether they have tea-related training backgrounds individually summarize more suitable tea types and brewing combinations of utensil materials. For occupational and tea-related consumers, brewing alpine oolong tea with silica gel is the most influential brewing combination, and can present a "spiritual" perceptual evaluation; for consumers who have received tea-related training, brewing with silica gel Green tea is the most significant brewing combination, and can show "spiritual" emotional evaluation. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide consumers with more effective tea drinking suggestions, which will help to improve the tea sales market.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/h6c4rr