



論文名稱 中國書法行楷筆意之英文字型創作研究-以臺中十大景點海報創作為例
論文名稱(英文) A Study on the Xing-Kai Script of Chinese Calligraphy Applied in the English Font Design−Taking the Poster Design of Top 10 Taichung Attractions as an Example
研究者(中文) 許智閔
研究者(英文) Jhih-Min Syu
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 107
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 詹玉艷
中文關鍵字 書法、行楷筆意、字型設計、海報設計
英文關鍵字 calligraphy、Xing-Kai Script、font design、poster design



The character is an important carrier of information in the progress of civilization. Artistic design of characters can be further developed based on the basic function of communication. In recent years, there has been a plenty of works related to character design published, but the font designs integrating oriental and western elements are rare. Therefore, the study aims to integrate the Xing-Kai Script of Chinese calligraphy with the western fonts, and discuss the evolution of Chinese scripts and western fonts as well as the related theories by text analysis. First, the study explored the evolution of western letters and the knowledge related to font design, and then discussed the developing progress of Chinese characters and evolution of scripts. As for the calligraphic creation, the pointillism, brush manipulation and master scripts were explored as the foundation. Creation strategy was to introduce the theories of western font design into the Xing-Kai Script of Chinese calligraphy. The creation was divided into two phases. In the first phase, English letters were taken as the bone, and all the letters were plumped by calligraphy. The original fonts included five special letters (a, n, i, o, g), based on which the other letters were created and a set of fonts for typing was fulfilled. In the second phase, the fonts were used in 10 posters that introduce the hot attractions of Taichung. Key words in the text of each poster were selected and each poster has one word that can present its feature. The initial of the key word was transformed and image-processed as the key vision of the poster to present the meaning of the attraction by form composition, which shows the practical use of the fonts. Finally, the findings of the study are expected to help people from different language cultures gain a new visual experience on the combined forms and aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy and western fonts from the changes of character recognition between familiar and strange state.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6v6rag