論文名稱 | 臺中市親子主題餐廳服務場域設計之研究 |
論文名稱(英文) | The Research of Servicescape Design on Kid-friendly Restaurant in Taichung |
研究者(中文) | 張瑋珊 |
研究者(英文) | Wei-Shan Chang |
學 號 | |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
出版年 | 2017 |
論文頁數 | 151 |
學校名稱 | 國立臺中科技大學 |
系院名稱 | |
系所名稱 | 商業設計系碩士班 |
指導教授 | 林承謙 |
中文關鍵字 | 少子化、兒童產業、Kano品質模式、問卷調查、深度訪談 |
英文關鍵字 | Low-birth-rate、Child Industry、Kano Model、Questionnaire Survey、In-Depth Interview |
論文使用權限 | |
中文摘要 | 臺灣的少子化現象已是當前社會人口結構正在面臨的重大問題,首當其衝影響的就是與兒童相關的產業,然而少子化也凸顯出了孩子在家庭中的稀有性,父母比起以往更重視孩童的教育與生活品質,使兒童相關產業越來越蓬勃並往多元方向發展。隨著經濟的成長,現代父母多為雙薪家庭族群,假日除了把握親子相處時光,又要顧及成人自身生活品質,能同時考慮到兩者需求的「親子餐廳」便逐漸受到青睞,在近年來成為一種新興且熱門的兒童產業。許多業者趁著此一熱潮紛紛想投入親子餐廳市場,然而面對眾多同質性高的親子餐廳,業者在花大錢裝潢或添購遊戲器材之前,該如何在有限的預算內讓場域本身發揮最大的效用。 |
英文摘要 | As shown from its demographic structure, Taiwan is under the threat of low birth rate and kid-related industries are supposed to bear the brunt of it. However, it makes parents today pay more attention to children’s education and quality of life, which in turn facilitates the diversified development of child industries. With the growth of the economy, dual-income families increase and form the majority. While choosing to spend holidays with their kids, parents also want to maintain their quality of life. Kid-friendly restaurants, which cater for both, have therefore become popular in Taiwan. Many restaurants attempt to be kid-friendly to tap into the growing market, yet facing competition from many homogeneous counterparts, how can they optimize their servicescape on a limited budget, instead of spending recklessly on decoration or acquisitions of games and equipment? |
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參考文獻 | |
原文下載 | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/n698jz |
備註 |