



論文名稱 臺中市水湳水資源回收中心興建工程3D動畫創作研究
論文名稱(英文) Study of 3D Animation Creations of Taichung City Shuinan Water Recycling Center Construction Project
研究者(中文) 黃宗堂
研究者(英文) Zong Tang Huang
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2017
論文頁數 76
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 蕭嘉猷
中文關鍵字 建築3D動畫、SketchUp、城市行銷、台中市水湳水資源回收中心
英文關鍵字 Architectural 3D Animation、SketchUp、Urban Marketing、Taichung City Shuinan Water Recycling Center



The continuous development of computer technology has accelerated the cooperation between design industries. The combination of 3D animation design and modern architectural design have initiated architectural animation. Architectural animation combines animation design and architectural design to display internal and external space of the architecture and achieve more complete 3D space effect through various visual relationships. That provides a better solution than traditional 2D display and enhance the effectiveness of design works.
As for business application, 3D architectural animation has very compelling achievements with several advantages, including more realistic image and more close to natural environment. However, it cannot be denied that a long-existed disadvantage of 3D architectural animation is: the design and creation of it is very difficult and complicated for designers to learn.

3D animation is a commonly used design and display tool in construction projects, and it can be used since the bidding stage of a project. The study take Taichung City Shuinan Water Recycling Center Construction Project as example to propose a simpler process and methodology for 3D animation through the combination of SketchUp and Twinmotion applications. In the actual case, 3D visualization project can be built up efficiently, saving labor and time and reducing production costs as a result. The simplified process can be applied in various 3D design projects in the future, such as landscape design, virtual reality, tourism development, etc.

In this study, in addition to 3D visualization project, we also combine aerial UAV photography technology and real-time time-lapse photography to summarize UAV pictures from 2014 to 2017 (from the start to the completion of the project) to a valuable project record film for Taichung City to apply for urban marketing and project review. The innovation of the 3D animation output of the study is: in most cases, only 3D visualization technology is used in 3D animation, but in the study we apply digital integration method for the expression of the project, including real-time photography record and the narration of steps in the water resource treatment process, to explore innovative expression method for engineering 3D animation.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/7vnce8