



論文名稱 臺灣傳統歌謠《望春風》圖像動畫創作研究
論文名稱(英文) The Study of Motion Graphic Creation of Taiwanese Traditional Song, “Bang Chhun- Hung”
研究者(中文) 沈里均
研究者(英文) Li-Chun Shen
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2018
論文頁數 94
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 詹玉艷
中文關鍵字 臺灣傳統歌謠、人聲樂團、圖像動畫、視聽共感覺、自我封閉
英文關鍵字 Taiwanese Traditional Song、A Cappella、Motion graphic、Synesthesia、Self-isolation

臺灣傳統歌謠為過去庶民社會透過自身的文化經驗及生活歷練,藉由臺灣樂器及本身天籟之聲所傳達之文化 。本創作為推廣臺灣傳統歌謠、臺灣傳統樂器及人聲樂團,改變其舊有口傳模式,針對歌謠〈望春風〉之內容與音樂做重新詮釋及理解。為使音樂與視覺做緊密的結合,將音樂視覺化,並以圖像動畫的方式呈現,期望以新的故事型態擴大現代人的接受及喜好程度而達到直接迅速的傳播目的。


Taiwanese traditional songs represent civil culture and lives, with Taiwanese instruments and their own celestial voice. To promote them, the creation changes conventional communication modes from oral spreads into motion graphics, constructed by music visualization for integral connection. Hopefully, this brand-new media can expand public acceptability and preference for rapid and effective propagation.
The creation focuses on the visual iconographic narration of Taiwanese traditional song, “Bang Chhun- Hung”, and music and visual synesthesia. In the content plan, compare the collected documents of “Bang Chhun- Hung” with research of self-isolation, and apply them into motion graphics and narrative structure. Then in visual performance, analyze the examples of music-visualized creation and decent motion graphics to obtain references of symbolization, design styles, and theory of music and visual synesthesia.
The creation consists of re-composed song, “Bang Chhun- Hung” based on the
creator’s music background, and personal recording by A Cappella, which is popular nowadays. Furthermore, combine the reinterpretation song with synesthesia theory and references mentioned above into motion graphics. Finally, set the homonymous word “Close” related to “Cloth” as the title of the creation. Lead the audience into an abstract psychological world about performance, contribution, and adjustment of self-isolation, through meticulous visual design. With the inheritance of Taiwanese traditional songs’ spirits and distinctive interpretation, hope it can produce unforgettable experiences.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/uxt36n