



論文名稱 從臺灣兒童繪畫作品之解析探論防呆式繪畫教學之適切性
論文名稱(英文) Exploring the Adequacy of Poka-yoke Drawing Teaching Through the Analysis of Children’s Drawings
研究者(中文) 陳詠勳
研究者(英文) Yung-Hsun Chen
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2019
論文頁數 178
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 連德仁
中文關鍵字 兒童藝術教育、防呆設計、實驗教學法
英文關鍵字 art education for children、poka-yoke、experimental teaching



In their practice of art education since 1999, the authors of this paper have frequently received questions from parents regarding how to quickly and effectively teach their children to draw and paint after school. To answer this question, on the basis of the authors’ teaching experience, this study analyzed the top three ranked paintings in children’s painting competitions in Taiwan between 2008 and 2018. Textual and content analysis methods were then applied to explore children’s aesthetic development and create reference instructional materials for children’s art education. To help parents effectively teach art to their children, an instructional model of children’s art education was also designed on the basis of poka-yoke (mistake-proofing), a design concept aimed at enabling people to create an easy-to-use product without the necessity of professional knowledge. Subsequently, this study implemented an experimental teaching program in which parents taught children and received children’s feedback through oral assessments. The results revealed that the model of poka-yoke art education for children yielded positive outcomes; specifically, the model enabled parents to help their children develop their painting skills in terms of observation, imagination, composition, and color selection. However, the designed model is suitable for only children aged 6–10 years whose parents lack professional aesthetic and painting knowledge; the model is not suitable for children in other age groups because children initiate their transition from the schematic stage of art development to the realism stage after the mentioned ages.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9fgmga