



論文名稱 《心種子》內在情緒視覺化圖文創作研究
論文名稱(英文) The Study of Inner Emotion Visualization on 《Heart Seed》Creation
研究者(中文) 章羽承
研究者(英文) Yu-Cheng Chang
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2019
論文頁數 121
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 詹玉艷
中文關鍵字 繪畫療癒、情緒歷程、內在情緒視覺化、圖文創作
英文關鍵字 healing painting、history of emotion、inner emotion visualization、graphic creation

現代人壓力越來越大的情況下,引發許多文明病,世衛組織專家呼籲人們需要重視「對話」的迫切性,可透過任何促使內外在對話的方式,進而達成紓解情緒之目的。因此《心種子》內在情緒視覺化圖文創作之創作目的如下: 1. 透過情緒、藝術治療、繪畫相關理論的研究探討,讓本研究對內在情緒有更深入的理解,幫助創作更具深度性。 2.《心種子》內在情緒視覺化圖文創作可幫助觀者產生內在連結,達到情緒轉化效果。 3. 使《心種子》系列畫作更多延展性。創作內容以內在女孩為主角,經由她內在情緒穿越的過程,與自己的各種情緒角色相遇,包含:悲、樂、傻、怒四個情緒,在本創作過程中,有感地與己身內在自問自答,觀察與紀錄所有情緒意識上的發生、流動、消逝,也經由如實地穿越情緒與轉化情緒,讓本創作中的女孩宣洩壓抑的悲、無法理解的樂、走不出去的傻、失控的怒…最後因為情緒大和解,使女孩本身呈現「喜」的和諧狀態。因此創作成果如下:《心種子》內在情緒視覺化圖文創作透過展覽及現場問卷回饋,證實本創作能促使觀者達成內在連結,進而達成內在對話,並得到鼓舞與啟發。


When modern people are under increasing pressure, many civilized diseases are caused. World Health Organization (WHO) experts call for people to pay attention on the urgency of "dialogue". Through any means of promoting internal and external dialogue, the aim of emotion reconciliation can be achieved. Therefore, the purposes of The Study of Inner Emotion Visualization on《Heart Seed》Creation are as follows: 1. Through the research and discussion of theories related to emotion, art therapy and painting, It’s is expected that this study will have more understanding of inner emotions and that will help this work in-depth creation. 2. The Study of Inner Emotion Visualization on《Heart Seed》Creation can allow viewers to link their emotion and to achieve emotional transformation. 3. Wish open up and extend the《Heart Seed》series for more possibility. The content of this creation is dominated by the inner girl. Through her inner emotional traversal process, she met her various emotional characters, including: sadness, happiness, silliness, and anger. During this study, I felt the self-question and self-answer in my mind. Observing and recording all the occurrence, flow, and disappearance of emotional consciousness. After passing through emotions and transforming emotions faithfully, the girl in this work also vent their repressed sorrow, incomprehensible happiness, stray silliness, out of control anger etc. Due to the emotional reconciliation it let the girl enter into a harmonious state of joy finally. Hence the results of this creation are as follows: Through an exhibition and questionnaires on site, It is confirmed that The Study of Inner Emotion Visualization on《Heart Seed》Creation can make viewers to reach an internal link, achieve self-talk, to be inspired and enlightened.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9g5m63