



論文名稱 掐絲工藝應用在葉脈造形胸針之創作研究
論文名稱(英文) Research of Crafting Technique to the Filigreed Leaf Brooch
研究者(中文) 陳苡芯
研究者(英文) Y i-H sin, Chen
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2020
論文頁數 148
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 李貴連
中文關鍵字 掐絲工藝、電鑄、葉脈、胸針、洛神賦
英文關鍵字 the techniques of the filigree、the electroforming、venation、brooch、Luo Shen Fu


1. 掐絲工藝文化提取元素經由轉化,擬研究精密電鑄方法在真實葉脈上施作的結果,可以做為掐絲工藝發展新的質感型態。
2. 經研擬使用小型電鑄設備,進行真實葉脈的表面金屬質感處理,實驗結果發現調整基礎銅鑄液後,表面金屬化的質感較為均勻,在時間與電壓都在減少的基礎下,可以達到輕、薄、透金屬表面的需求。
3. 本設計創作研究以《洛神賦》進行文本分析,將其中意境分析歸納為三個主軸,並提取《洛神賦》中十個辭賦意境,進行分析轉化成有機線性造型,結合掐絲工藝技法,以「飄」‧「漂」‧「冉」三個主題元素詮釋《洛神賦》中曹植與洛神在洛水河畔的愛情故事,以二十四件金工胸針作品呈現。


According to the history of the brooch jewelry, the design of the goldsmith can be related to the background of the culture and the time. The jewelry plays an important role in the development of human history. The art of the filigree is a decent and delicate technique in culture. However, because it always cost time and resources, the art of the filigree has been gradually lost. In this research, I do an experiment of the creation for the leaf brooch through the electroforming technique. With the observation of the venation, I also consult the image of the leaves in the famous classical Chinese literature— Luo Shen Fu, which is made by Cao Zhi in the Three Kingdoms period of China. Therefore, based on the concepts of the literature, I took a close look of Luo Shen Fu and through the literature analytical methods of the culture studies, such as the decoding and the encoding, I innovated a new style of brooch jewelry which involves the traditional filigree technique and the oriental elements.
The innovation of the research can be concluded in the following. First, through the techniques of the electroforming on the authentic venation, the texture and the pattern of the leaves provide a new style of the art for the filigree. Second, to produce the delicate and transparent surface of the jewelry, with the control of the cooper liquid, time and voltage, the electroforming equipment offers a great effort on the simulation of the venation. Finally, based on the anesthetics of the Classical Chinese literature Luo Shen Fu, the image of “sway”, “float” and “gradually” provides divine elements for the art of the filigree. In this research, I employed twenty-four pieces of jewelry to interpret the romance in Cao Zhi’s Luo Shen Fu.
In a nutshell, the research is an innovation of the art of the filigree. Through the electroforming techniques, the images of the venation are presented in the brooch. With the aesthetics of the Classical Chinese literature, the oriental concepts and elements are perfectly interpreted on the jewelry.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/bf5d22