



論文名稱 厭世代行為符碼與生活迷思之插畫創作
論文名稱(英文) The Creation Of Illustrations for Generation-Weary Behavior Codes and Life Lyths
研究者(中文) 謝易霖
研究者(英文) Yi-Lin Hsieh
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2021
論文頁數 119
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 連德仁
中文關鍵字 厭世代、行為符碼、生活迷思、插畫
英文關鍵字 Weary Generation、Behavior Codes、Life Lyths、Illustrations

1990 年後,臺灣面臨一個世代的經濟崩盤,除了經濟體系的轉變,政府對於 教育制度也隨之改革,而在此時代下誕生的人們被統稱為—「厭世代」。厭世代做 為教育改革的第一批體驗者,「學」大於「做」的教育方式影響厭世代對未來技職 學習與就業價值,並且抱持著懷疑的態度。同時,網路的出現更加速世代對「厭生 活」模式之形成,虛擬世界裡湧現出大量資訊與社交媒體,人們開始進入不出門能 知天下事的世界。此種模式呈現出的符碼與生活的迷思較以往樸實生活準則有極 大差距與轉變,使得厭世代與其上一世代間總是隔著無形的牆。
藝術行為不管在任何時代都有其存在的意義,而在厭世代中較廣為人知的藝 術創作即是「插畫」。插畫性質的作品在其表現手法與使用媒材皆不受限制,不只 過去,當代的插畫創作更是琳瑯滿目,除了網路,許多報章雜誌及書籍都可見插畫 的身影。其中,厭世代相關插畫創作亦所常見且比比皆是,而不論是何種形式的呈 現,如漫畫或是簡單的插圖等,多會表現出對生活滿滿厭世情緒。因此,本研究欲 透過對厭世代的社會觀察及研究,希冀創作出具有惕勵世代、針貶時事意義的插畫 作品,以期喚起厭世代力量,使之將負面能量轉為正面生活的動力。


After 1990s, Taiwan is confronted with economic collapse. In addition to the transformation of economic system, Taiwanese government also reforms the education system. Those who were born in this era are collectively called weary generation. As the first subject for education reform, education of “learning is more important than doing” not only affects the value of this generation to future technical learning and employment but also makes this generation has skeptical attitude. Meanwhile, the emergence of the Internet accelerates the formation of weary life. Social media and overwhelming information from virtual world change people’s life to know everything without going out. The presented codes under this mode and myths of life have much more tremendous difference than past simple life.
Artistic behavior has its meaning of existence regardless of any eras. In weary generation, illustration is the most well-known artistic style. This type of works are not restricted in their performing technique and used media. There are many illustrated creation presented on the Internet, newspaper, artistic magazines and books. Among
illustrated works, illustration about weary generation are common in the aforementioned medias. These creations usually demonstrates weary emotions in life using multiple performing techniques such as comic and simple illustration. Therefore, this study tries to observe social behavior of weary generation to create illustrated works containing meaning of criticism and alert for current events. This research hopes these creations can provoke strength of weary generation and transform negative energy to the power for positive life.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u5tuc9