



論文名稱 「品生活」微策展之研究
論文名稱(英文) Research on micro curatorial exhibition of "enjoying life"
研究者(中文) 郭姿儀
研究者(英文) ZI-YI KUO
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2021
論文頁數 134
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 趙樹人
中文關鍵字 品味生活、微策展、行動研究
英文關鍵字 Enjoying life、Micro curation、Action Research



When art becomes life, art always enriches people's spirits. Life aesthetics is a choice of lifestyle and is also a manifestation of life taste. Therefore, the present study explores whether there is a better development for the display of life aesthetics, and then investigates whether amateur artists have a more suitable curatorial mode to solve their creative dilemma. Subsequently, five micro curatorial exhibitions, i.e., Whispering in The Forest, Secrets Behind the Story, Blooming Flowers, Silently Observe -- Watch in Silence, and A Tasting Connaction Between Flowers and Tea, are hold and through this action study, we hope to understand the effectiveness that artists achieve in various curatorial exhibitions for limited space and number of pieces under miscellaneous exhibition fields.
At the early stage of the study, the author's dilemma, needs and conditions are evaluated through field investigation, and five artists are found to cooperate, assist and improve through discussions and planning; In the middle of the study, the artists’ problems are solved through micro-curations, and the five micro-curations are conducted through action study, and the process is constantly reflected and circulated. At the same time, a fan page of "Micro-curation of Life" is created to attract people’s attention. In the process of each interactive contact, through constant reflection and promotion, the creativity of powder design is constantly updated, and the film and Google questionnaires are uploaded afterwards, so that micro curatorial exhibition can be continuously presented.
Through the four-way cycle of the spiral structure of reform and innovation action study, and through continuous cycle reflection and improvement, the observation records and feedback of the previous exhibition process can be used as a reference for the planning of the next micro exhibition. It is found that the combination of various industries, with integration into the natural field planning and in-depth conversation between the people and the artists, has given each work depth and temperature, and the integrity of the exhibition has also been improved. The extension of the story makes the work more vivid and flexible. From the feedback of qualitative interactive opinions and semi-structured questionnaires, we know that the establishment of fan page is helpful for micro curations, and small exhibitions can attract more people’s attention. During the exhibition, the interaction and feedback between the author and people can not only enhance mutual understanding, but also stimulate the author's creativity. At current stage, because the epidemic stays at home for a long time, the importance of community website management is highlighted. Therefore, community users may focus on the author's dynamics, understand the author's subsequent development and innovative works, and even increase their attention to the author and willingness to buy works, such that a long tail marketing may be formed.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3vpn4h