



論文名稱 鬱金香花語意象應用於婚禮視覺設計創作
論文名稱(英文) The symbolic implications of tulip applied on the creation of visual design in wedding
研究者(中文) 鄒樹人
研究者(英文) Shu-Jen Tsou
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 132
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 李貴連
中文關鍵字 主題婚禮、視覺設計、鬱金香、花語
英文關鍵字 Wedding of Theme、Visual Design、Tulip、Symbolic Implications of Flowers



According to Ministry of the Interior from 2010 to June 2014 displayed that in Taiwan the proportion of the number of marriages is increase, which found that the wedding industry has marketability. Researcher had helped relatives to plan their wedding in the post, observed the inconvenience between wedding couple and the wedding industry, and the overall lack of consistency in wedding planning and theme design. So hope that by common wedding flowers, extending its florid visual imagery use in the design of the wedding, and expand the visual design creative wedding.
This creation through literature review analyzes, and the relationship between the flowers and love, combine visual design and wedding style, become to the theoretical basis for the design of wedding to content analysis of research wedding design related merchandise, analysis of the wedding floral design trends and features, discussion style of wedding favors packaging design of the wedding. From field study, screening flower images, collate analysis; and through case studies and meet the needs of guests, as creative content reference.
The results of the study are as follow: Tailored wedding planning is now the main trend of the market. Therefore creation of a personal story mode, use common wedding flowers, guests can choose from such as tulips, with its florid sense to design the wedding style, become developed innovative style of wedding theme; apply the main visual wedding design. Final, to use the wedding consultant’s professional, to make more extended visual design in the wedding, offers the quests more selection.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/y7g657