



論文名稱 茶文化商品設計運作之方法與意義
論文名稱(英文) A Study on Methods and Meaning in the Cultural Commodity Design Status of Tea
研究者(中文) 陳明佐
研究者(英文) Ming-Tso Chen
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 158
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 趙樹人、諸葛正
中文關鍵字 文化商品、伴手禮包裝設計、工藝設計、博物館展示設計
英文關鍵字 Cultural Commodities、Souvenir packaging design、craft design、museum display design



“Consumer culture" is the trend of today''s society. Through its "commodity" in the form of "industry", it has strongly injected into the modern lifestyle. In recent years, cultural and creative industries policy promoted by the Executive Yuan, it links "merchandise", "Culture", "design", and the cross-border operation by government and industry units to revitalize the local industrial economy. In contributing to these factors, today''s tea culture has been transformed into tea culture commodity through the design methods and gradually present in daily life. However, what are the relationships between consumption of goods and the design method? This paper will focus on exploring the characteristics of design pattern of tea culture commodity.
Tea Culture Products which name suggests is the application of "cultural" elements, through design techniques to convert it into "merchandise." However, what does the "culture" appeal during the conversion process? What’s the meaning of “Culture” in the products ? Between Profit to the real commodities and non-profit to culture, how does design techniques reflect the above-mentioned "culture" topics?
The first chapter explained the background of the motivation of this study, as well as defining the purpose of research. Chapter II, focus on aggregated cultural commodity and Discussion Document of contemporary thought. The third chapter mainly discuss the commodity output history of tea culture and types of patterns through the transformation of the traditional background of the tea industry and the promotion policies by government. The fourth chapter explores the relevance of consumer goods and the design methods to analysis the business opportunity of the cultural commodities of tea. The fifth chapter expounds the culture issue and why it must be presence in “ The Cultural Commodities of Tea “ ? And also indicating the problem about facing “profit” and “ non-profit” when we design. Chapter VI Conclusions and suggestions are as follows:
1. Design method relating to identification of imagery promote tea culture commodities
with brand recognition, landscaping highlights, shape style symbol of consumption.
2. The way of design of cultural context narration promote tea culture commodities with
a series of graphic, emotional culture, display context, implementation Consumerism
3. Design mode of sightseeing opportunities promote tea culture commodities (space)
space-time reconstruction and let tea industry with local characteristics gifts
4. Design of composite mashup function, promote tea culture commodities with
innovative interpretation and integration of material consumption function symbols.
5. Tea Culture Product design must reflect, within the "place" to promote independent
transaction onset of significance.
6. Tea Culture Product design needs to reflect on the meaning of "craft issue " including
function , oriental aesthetics and the value of hand-made.
7. Tea Culture Product design needs to reflect on the meaning of "museum issue " that
would be a cultural communicator and a cultural interpreter .

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/nce263