



論文名稱 跨平台網頁介面RWD對於網頁瀏覽之視覺傳達的影響
論文名稱(英文) Visual Communication Impact of Cross-platform Web Interface RWD on Web Browsing
研究者(中文) 蘇子淵
研究者(英文) Tzu-Yuan Su
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 117
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 何宏文
中文關鍵字 方法目的鏈、響應式網頁設計、蘊含矩陣、階層價值圖
英文關鍵字 Means-end chains、Responsive Web Design、implication matrix、hierarchical value map

伴隨著移動平台的技術日趨成熟,網頁瀏覽的視覺效果也逐漸受到重視,響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design,RWD)在網頁設計的開發技術上屬於一項新的觀點。本研究是利用方法目的鏈的分析技術,作為實證應用的基礎,並藉由深度的階梯式訪談來瞭解RWD的使用經驗,其研究結果顯示「螢幕裝置大小」、「內容簡單明瞭」、「操控性」、「介面親和力」、「瀏覽速度」、「使用情境」等六項屬性,是影響造訪者使用RWD的關鍵屬性。經由內容分析法的詞幹分類及編碼後,透過「蘊含矩陣」並繪製成「階層價值圖」進行分析。經分析結果共歸納出RWD七項特質(包括視覺面向的高張力圖形、敘事觀點、攝影圖像、「less is more」等廣泛運用,功能面向包括滑動、人機介面和形隨機能的版型運用),並加以闡明其意涵。希望藉由研究結果能幫助平台開發者,更瞭解用戶需求,發揮本研究最終的價值意義。


As the mobile platform technology matures, the visual effect of web browsing gradually attracts attention. Responsive web design (RWD) is a new development in web design technology. This study uses the analytical skills of means-end chains as the basis for empirical applications and in-depth stepped interviews to understand users’ experience with RWD, and the research results show that “screen size”, “simple and straightforward contents”, “maneuverability”, “interface friendliness”, “browsing speed” and “scenarios” are the six key attributes affecting visitors’ use of RWD. After the application of stem classification and coding of the content analysis method, a “hierarchical value map” is drawn through an “implication matrix” for analysis. Seven RWD attributes are summed up from the analysis results (including the widely used high-tension graphs, narrative viewpoints, photographic images and “less is more” on the visual aspect, and the application of sliding, man-machine interface and function-oriented appearance on the functional aspect), and the implication of each is explained. We expect to help platform developers with the research results to better understand user needs and make full use of the study’s value.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6q2cq2