



論文名稱 影子元素在視覺設計的正面意象之研究
論文名稱(英文) A Study on Shadow Elements within Visual Design of Positive Images
研究者(中文) 楊麗菊
研究者(英文) Li-Chu Yang
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 180
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 連德仁
中文關鍵字 影子元素、視覺設計、正面意象
英文關鍵字 Shadow Elements、Visual Design、Positive Images




Within the universal shadow of life, the shadows cast by the Sun will surely be present. This constant background shadow, when set against human life, proves our physical presence, and beyond the shadow it can be seen that people have their own value and unique importance; they are not merely an accessory to the physical world. However, shadows convey a highly visual language, a single, independent form of expression; as compared with text or simple graphics, shadows produce a more intuitive and vivid meaning.
Shadows are a silent and unique experience, and this study is intent on discovering more about this physical phenomenon; even in the normal course of events, this topic is particularly motivating. The primary objective is to explore the theory, and create from the subject a deeper discussion and focus on the theory, based on improving our understanding. Exploring the literature and history of shadow elements represented as a "positive" image would be the secondary objective, partly drawing on the positive elements of shadow images used in modern visual design. The final objective is to unlock new conceptions and new directions of thought to stimulate creative thinking; these would ideally be practical and applicable to future applications of visual design.
The literature used in this study is a complementary assortment of light essays and in-depth studies, ranging from the source of the concept of "shadow", its defined depth and basic characteristics, through to the performance of shadow elements in artistic contexts, taking the application of the visual principles in order to better understand contemporary use in the rendering of the situation. What would follow would be a study sample and design implementation process, constructing "shadow elements of a semantic differential scale"; the result of the assessment of shadow elements within positive images and the subsequent adjective analysis and summary, based on a set of ten questions, uses "cannot speculate" , "feel uncomfortable", "attractive", "unforgettable", "penetrating despondency", "inflexible", "noticeable similarity", "deceptive", "inspirational" and "strong emotional response"; based on the most prominent elements of the overall positive image stemming from shadows, adjectives include "attractive", "unforgettable", and "inspirational", implying that the study shows the human mind can ascribe positive thought values to shadows. Use of positive imagery of shadow elements within visual design, while not entirely dependent on the shadow element to produce this positive feeling within people, can use characteristic shadows to provoke thought; in other words, using "shadow elements" in intelligent and communicative ways can let people see more consistency and communicate visual messages more effectively - especially as the context of the shadow elements can be used to produce entirely different meanings.
Theoretical developments of applied design elements incorporating positive shadow visuals will be to create an image with an overall more positive aspect, by using shadow element analysis and synthesizing literature with appropriate adjectives for the visuals. Visual designers will be able to make use of the "shadow image of the positive elements", opening up more avenues and possibilities, and facilitating the use of shadow imagery within more fun and creative images; a blueprint for creative thinking.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3b54t8