



論文名稱 臺中及臺南文化創意產業園區經營管理策略之個案研究
論文名稱(英文) Case Study on The Business Management Stragety of Taichung and Tainan Cultural Creative Park
研究者(中文) 李蘊琪
研究者(英文) Yun-Chi Lee
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2017
論文頁數 120
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 邱順應
中文關鍵字 文化創意產業、文化創意園區、臺中文創園區、臺南文創園區、文創園區5P理論
英文關鍵字 Cultural creative industry、Cultural and Creative Park、Taichung Cultural and Creative Industry Park、Tainan Cultural and Creative Industry Park

文化創意產業的發展已經是世界各國積極推動的產業。隨著國際的腳步,「文化創意園區」的規劃,也成為我國推動「文化創意產業」的重要政策,以「文創產業」與「群聚空間」的策略,帶動起文化創意產業的發展。2016年,文化部為了能夠審視五大文創園區發展現況,以及探討各園區未來發展方針,特辦理「文化創意產業園區 未來發展公聽會」,聆聽大眾對於文創園區的期待與未來展望,也引起各界對於文創園區定位與存在價值的思考。



Cultural creative industry has been a global trend, which is highly supported by many countries. Following the trend, Taiwan has promoted“Cultural Creative Industry” as an important policy by the overall planning of “Cultural and Creative Park,”and the strategy of “Cultural Industry” and “Spatial Clustering.” In 2016, the public hearing held by Ministry of Culture, focusing on reexamining the operation and development of the five cultural and creative park, has gathered operating team and organizations to make clear to the people about the future policy.
Among the five cultural and creative parks, Tainan and Taichung Park has entered and stationed in academical institutions to assist business operation. The cooperation between academical studies and cultural heritage and the balance between culture and commerce, are the main motives for this study on Tainan(TNCCP) and Taichung(TCCIP) Creative Cultural Park.
This study is executed on the basis of the 5p model. The in-depth interview method is adopted for a better understanding of the operation strategy of cultural creative park. Also the information from the interview is analyzed by three invited scholars in the expert meeting.
The result shows that TNCCP has the advantage of location and its abundant culture heritage. In the early phase, TNCCP held many events in order to create the brand image. With the main theme of promoting popular music culture, TNCCP collaborate with Southern Taiwan University of Technology. TNCCP has successfully create a platform for cultural creative industry.
TCCIP is operated under the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture. There exist both operating mode, which contains government enterprise and outsource businesses. For this reason, TCCIP developed its brand image by reusing the historical building and created 1916 Cultural Creative Workshop(1916 Workshop.)
After the case study of two cultural creative park,we suggest that the “Process”of 5p model, proposed by Yi Tian, Pan (2011), should be “Cultural Resource”. Since the process of creativity is influenced by each 5p factors, and the result of the influence eventually result in “product”. This study suggests that for future studies the 5p model should also consider the external factors that interact between cultural and creative industries.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/946c5d