



論文名稱 YouTube故事型業配影片的幽默訴求之探討
論文名稱(英文) A Study of Humor Appeal in YouTube Channel of the Story Sponsored Videos
研究者(中文) 李庭瑜
研究者(英文) Ting-Yu Li
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2019
論文頁數 123
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 邱順應
中文關鍵字 業配影片、YouTube、故事結構、三幕劇、轉折點、幽默訴求
英文關鍵字 sponsored videos、YouTube、structure of the story、Three-Act Structure、the turning point、humorous appeals



Up until now, online social media is booming, and advertising has transformed into more and more diversify. The term "business cooperation" is derived from the rules of the industry in Taiwan that combine news and programming with placement marketing. As opposed to traditional advertising celebrity endorsements, blog operators are mostly amateurs who is not in the entertainment circle, and thus there has a new way on the Internet. In the face of the emerging marketing model that has escaped the oldness and allowed ordinary people to be propagated. With the growing development of online social media, advertising has completely escaped the old framework and constantly evolving emerging marketing models. The most important purpose of advertising is to convey the brand concept and ultimately achieve consumer purchase behavior.
Among them, humorous appeal is one of the long-lasting ways of advertising performance.
Therefore, this study uses YouTube as a research object. Through literature analysis, this study find appropriate research models and theories, and use the structure of the story, the Three-Act Structure, the turning point and the humorous appeals as the research foundation. Through text analysis and questionnaire survey results, this study found in the research model that humorous appeals have different preference plot structures under different ages and personal experiences. In general, in order to increase the distribution of information, most research models have added "curtains". This study is called "returning carbine". In addition, the research template has different humorous recognition effects due to different YouTuber personal charms.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/v25g7q