



論文名稱 臺中柑橘宣傳推廣海報創作研究-以醜蔬果議題為例
論文名稱(英文) Research on Poster Creation for Taichung Tangerine Popularization and Advocating– A Case Study on Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables
研究者(中文) 王明偉
研究者(英文) Ming-Wei Wang
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 158
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 詹玉艷
中文關鍵字 醜蔬果、臺中柑橘、海報
英文關鍵字 Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables、Taichung tangerine、Poster




In face of the food waste globally, the issue of inglorious fruits and vegetables appears during the process of vegetables and fruits supply. Because its intrinsic values like nutrition, taste fail to attract people’s eyes, related cases are gradually emerging in France, America, England, Taiwan, etc, showing the seriousness of the issue to everyone.

During the research of inglorious fruits and vegetables, three aspects, i.e., production, market and consumption are deeply studied to explore the effects of concepts of beauty on the value of the fruits and vegetables. Based on the analysis on related literature, it can be learned that the nonstandard fruits and vegetables generated due to the practice of grading system of vegetables and fruits cannot be sold in the markets and they will be discarded at country of origin. From the perspective of producers, Taichung tangerine farmers are interviewed to understand whether there are inglorious fruits and vegetables and we draw the conclusions that: the agriculture cultivation style is changed because of the industrialization; the phenomenon of inglorious fruits and vegetables appears because the suppliers of country of origin follow the market rules to eliminate the nonstandard vegetables and fruits; the malady exists because of the vegetables and fruits grading system; the market only provides vegetables and fruits of standard shape to customers. Based on the conclusion above, we use Taichung tangerines as design medium to make three thematic plans as Taiwanese proverbs, impressive facts, and strategies. In the plan of Taiwanese proverbs, we use the wisdom from ancient people and their concepts of cherishing things to contrast with excessive waste of materials among modern people. In the plan of impressive facts, we combine the factors of inglorious fruits and vegetables with graph and finish the transformation to inform everybody the severity of the problem. In the plan of strategies, we introduce the industry of Taichung tangerine, development of the issue of inglorious fruits and vegetables and simplified processing of tangerines. With Print Ad and manuals as presentation form to promote and face the existence of the issue of inglorious fruits and vegetables, we also use them to promote and get more people to know the industry of Taichung tangerine.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/29wj7m