



論文名稱 「寶島奉禮」鳳梨酥品牌視覺形象之包裝創作
論文名稱(英文) The Creation of Packaging for the Physical Brand Image of the “Bo-Do Gift Taiwan Pineapple Cake”
研究者(中文) 曾婉婷
研究者(英文) Wan-Ting Zeng
學 號
學位類別 碩士
出版年 2016
論文頁數 157
學校名稱 國立臺中科技大學
系所名稱 商業設計系碩士班
指導教授 李貴連
中文關鍵字 品牌形象;包裝設計;鳳梨酥;二十四節氣
英文關鍵字 brand image;packaging design;pineapple cake;the 24 solar terms





The Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications continues to implement its tourism policy every year to enhance Taiwan’s tourism quality image. Taiwan’s local specialties have also brought positive economic benefits to its tourism industry. Besides, “pineapple cake” has become one of the top choices for both locals and tourists when selecting gifts in Taiwan. The study adopted “seasonal food ingredients representing the 24 points of solar terms” as the theme of the creation on the “physical brand image of pineapple cake.” It discussed how pineapple cakes currently sold on Taiwanese market deliver their messages through their brand images and packaging designs and further discovered their brand values and exclusive charismas. Four perspectives, including “pineapple cake,” “brand image,” “packaging design,” and “the 24 solar terms” were explored; document analysis was used and a field survey was adopted for targeted yet extensive data collection and photo/picture sample compilation. Then, currently sold pineapple cake brands and packaging styles were analyzed through the method of comparative analysis so the current study could position its creation of brand and start working on the items to be designed.

With “seasonal food ingredients representing the 24 points of solar terms” as the theme of the current creation, those ingredients were combined with the flavor of pineapple cake. This presents the diversity of the 24 seasonal division points in a year and the beautiful growing shapes and conditions of those ingredients. This also promoted Taiwanese local food ingredients and presented local cultural qualities, as well as enhancing the cultural atmosphere in life.

The brand was named “Bo-Do Gift Taiwan Pineapple Cake,” using specific language to identify the place of origin and food ingredients, assisted with affectionate wording to improve its brand value. Pineapple was integrated with seasonal food ingredients of the 24 points of solar terms to reveal the physical brand image. A warm and elegant hand-painted-style was used to illustrate local food ingredients’ growing conditions since the style could help show the unique lines and the story, and emphasize Taiwan’s rich and precious local food ingredients.

原文下載 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/g33s34